Religious Education
Saint Margaret’s religious education program provides total catechesis with specific attention to systematic learning and formation. Systematic learning begins in Grade 1 and continues through Grade 8 with properly sequenced and age appropriate curriculum. This learning is complemented by family and parish community involvement and includes sacramental and other formational activities.

The schedule for the 2021-2022 schoolyear will be posted at a later date. Classes will be held every Tuesday of the week. Please call the Parish Office for any questions or concerns.
Please use the links below to download and print our Registration and Re-registration forms:
Click here to download the Registration form
Click here to download the Re-Registration form
St. Margaret’s also assumes responsibility for providing for each member a life-long, continuing religious education. This goal is based on USSCB’s Pastoral on Adult Formation. It states: “The Church’s pastoral ministry exists to sustain the work of the gospel by nourishing and strengthening lay people in their calling and identity as people of faith lived out in communities . . .such communities cannot exist without strong catechesis for all its members. . .” This goal is accomplished through the Adult Faith Formation Board.

Adult Faith Formation Board
The Adult Faith Formation Board, established in 2002, was borne out of the conviction that religious education (catechesis) nurtures a profound, life-long conversion of the whole person. Its activities and opportunities embrace all faith dimensions of an adult life and, as such, help adults grow in the life of Christ, promote and support
active membership in the Christian Community and call and prepare adults to act as Disciples in Mission to the World. To this end, experiences are provided throughout the year that reflect these goals.

RCIA – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA is a process through which persons journey toward the sacrament(s) of initiation. This process provides information and rituals experienced in community for interested persons who:
Are baptized Catholics and want to complete the sacraments of initiation (Communion and Confirmation)
Are baptized Christians from another Christian tradition and wish to come into full communion with the Catholic Church
Are unbaptized persons who seek to convert to Catholicism.
Sessions for such interested persons take place throughout the year on a bi-weekly basis. For more information contact Father Kevin.

Parish Social Life Committee
“Family & Friends coming together at Fun events to raise Funds for the Parish”
Help is always needed for selling tickets, setting up, publicity at local businesses, and more. So, if you want to be involved in St. Margaret’s life, consider joining our committee! The dates for planning meetings will be announced in the bulletin, and all are welcome. Dates for events will also be announced in advance in the bulletin.
New fundraising ideas are always welcome!
For more information or to volunteer, call Ellie Lombardelli 201-641-0883
Men of Cortona
The Men of Cortona are men from the Little Ferry and Moonachie communities who work to help the St. Margaret community grow. The group has organized various church activities such as the Annual Dinner Dance and Breakfast in Bethlehem and fundraisers such as the sale of church sweaters and wine.
New members and fundraising ideas are always welcome! If you would like to join the group or have some ideas you would like to share please call Ed Berta at 201-440-6829

San Lorenzo Ruiz Society

The San Lorenzo Ruiz Society or SLRS is a group of Filipinos from the Little Ferry and Moonachie communities gathered together in honor of the first Filipino Saint. We have a choir and organize fundraising events for St. Margaret's. If you are interested in joining or would like to help out please contact Jason Danganan at 201-248-0340 or email at bigj925@gmail.com
Father & Son First Communion Breakfast circa 1959
We found this picture in our archives, held at Sokol Hall, May 17, 1959. Perhaps you know someone here or maybe were here yourself? Click on the image to see a larger view. Feel free to send us a comment!

New in the Area?
If you are new in the area, why not join our ever-growing Parish family. Stop by the Parish Center any weekday and register to become a member of the St. Margaret of Cortona Family. Click on this link to download the form
Parish Food Pantry
The Food Pantry has resumed operations. It is open the third Wednesday of every month from 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Please note that no one will be allowed in the pantry room due to the ongoing COVID-19 precautions.
Bags will be pre-packed, and paper goods and detergent will also be given.
Catholic Charities Donation Bin
The Catholic Charities Clothing Bins is now open

Recycle old ink and toner
Have old ink and toner cartridges?
You can dispose of them by dropping them in the Recycling Box located in the vestibule of the church. Proceeds are for our Parish.

Will or Bequest Gifts
Please consider St. Margaret of Cortona in your estate plan. When considering gifts to charity in your Will or Trust please remember St. Margaret of Cortona. Gifts can be made to the parish in the following manner through your Will or Trust:
• A specific dollar amount.
• A percentage of your estate
• A particular asset such as real estate or other valuables.
You may also name the parish as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. Those who generously did this in the past have helped us stay out of heavy debt and help to make our many ministries a reality.
For more information or if you should have any questions on how to title the Parish in your Will orTrust contact the pastor of St. Margaret of Cortona Parish - Fr. Kevin Carter @ 201-641-2988
Funeral Help
The Archdiocese of Newark has introduced a video on the sanctity of the Order of Christian Funerals (OCF) and highlighting the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy of burying and praying for the dead. The video titled "Many Travelers, One Journey," demonstrates the meaningful Church rituals at the time of loss - the Vigil, Funeral Mass and Committal Service - to help guide our Catholic Community during their most difficult hours.
As such we are encouraged to review the booklet or watch the video, as these materials are useful for the bereaved and bereavement counselors alike.
Click here to see the video and booklet
No Appointment Needed
Stop in and visit Jesus in the Tabernacle. You can do it here at St. Margaret of Cortona Parish. The Chapel is open:8 am through 4 pm - Monday through Friday and Saturday at 9 am. The main church is open all day on Saturdays and of course all Sunday morning until the last mass is over.
In Memory of a Loved One
Reserve the Altar Bread, Wine, Sanctuary Candle or Flowers. Please stop by the Parish Office to check availability for the Altar Bread, Altar Wine, Sanctuary
Candle and Flowers to be reserved in your loved ones' name. Your memorial will be printed in the bulletin for the week you reserve.

Changes in New Jersey Adoption Law
In mid-2014, The State of New Jersey changed the law regarding the ability of adoptees to obtain access to full birth record information. That law now takes effect on January 1, 2017. Under the new law, adoptees and certain relatives now will be able to obtain a copy of their original birth certificate without a court order. The birth certificate will include the names of the birth parents who placed the children for adoption. Click here to learn more.