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Catechetical Ministry

Saint Margaret’s religious education program provides total catechesis with specific attention to systematic learning and formation. Systematic learning begins in Grade 1 and continues through Grade 8 with properly sequenced and age appropriate curriculum. This learning is complemented by family and parish community involvement and includes sacramental and other formational activities.  Classes are held on Tuesdays.  Schedules for each new schoolyear will be posted on the home page.


St. Margaret’s also assumes responsibility for providing for each member a life-long, continuing religious education. This goal is based on USSCB’s Pastoral on Adult Formation. It states: “The Church’s pastoral ministry exists to sustain the work of the gospel by nourishing and strengthening lay people in their calling and identity as people of faith lived out in communities . . .such communities cannot exist without strong catechesis for all its members. . .” This goal is accomplished through the Adult Faith Formation Board. 



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