We Are Living Stones
The following projects will be funded by this campaign:
o Creating a prayer garden.
o Installing bathrooms in the former vesting sacristy room.
o Renovating the kitchen off of Marnell Hall to code.
o Replace the manual sign with a new digital sign.
o Installing a digital carillon bell system.
The following fellow parishioners are members of the Campaign Committee:
o Sophie Lombardelli (sophie_smc@earthlink.net)
o Joe La Rosa (201-655-8405)
o Rafael Velez (rafaeldvelez@gmail.com)
Fr. Kevin and the Committee would like to thank the 132 families that helped make this historic campaign a success!
Data as of May 9, 2020
Overall Goal $274,667.00
Total Pledge Amount to Date $198,439.09
% of Goal Pledged 72.25%
Total Amount Received to Date $162,609.23
Less Initial 2016 Tithing Goal $ 27,000
Equals Amount to be Shared Between
St. Margaret’s and the Archdiocese $135,609.23
50% of Which Comes to St. Margaret’s $ 67,804.62
Amount Received by St. Margaret’s $ 66,635.65
(Archdiocese transfers funds quarterly)
Amount Spent on Projects $ 35,743.00
Living Stones Project Status:
Marnell Hall Kitchen Repair: 98 % done for a cost of about $4,200 with private donations and some regular parish funds.
Memorial Wall from Restoring God’s House campaign in planning stages.
Carillon Bell System is installed at a cost of $13,365.
Digital Sign is installed at a cost of $21,878.
Architect plans have been made at a cost of $1,500 for Church Bathroom.
Approval granted to proceed with town approval & construction.
Please use the personalized cards we sent you to join us with your pledge to the campaign. If you do not have a pledge card or have questions please approach the Parish Office or any member of the committee . You can also click here to download a pledge card. You can mail your pledge directly to Archdiocese or you can drop it off at the Parish Office or during Mass collection.
Whether it is a one-time gift, one-year, or four-year pledge, 100% participation from all parish families will ensure the success of this campaign.
For example a pledge of $20 a month over four years is a pledge of $960. Please refer to the table for sample pledge amounts and their corresponding monthly contributions. Please note that a pledge is not legally binding so if your life situation changes your contributions can be adjusted accordingly.
The We Are Living Stones Campaign will allow each of us to join our gifts with those who made the parishes and programs of this Archdiocese a reality in years past and will ensure that we remain a strong, vibrant and faithful Church in the years to come. We know that our greatest strength is our Catholic faith and the faith of our people.
All 219 parishes in our diocese will be taking part in a historic campaign. Unlike the traditional Annual Appeal the Living Stones Campaign seeks to address the present and long term needs of our diocese and it’s parishes. Click here to go to the Campaign's official page
This page was added for our community to see and monitor how our contributions are helping our Church. Check back often for updates.