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The Sacrament of Baptism 

If you are thinking of having your child baptized at St. Margaret, please read our policies below and fill up the online form.  Once you are done click on Submit.  We will review the form and get back to you as soon as possible.


When the Catechism of the Catholic Church introduces its section on Baptism, it states that baptism “is the basis of the whole Christian Life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other sacraments”. It then says we are freed from sin through Baptism and are reborn as God’s children. The same paragraph goes on: “We become members of Christ, are incorporated into the church and made sharers in her mission”. (CCC #1213)


Congratulations and may the Lord bless you at the birth of your new child, God’s special gift to you.

We gladly welcome those parents who want their child to be reborn into Jesus Christ by Water and the Holy Spirit.  In the Roman Catholic tradition, Baptism not only takes away original sin, but unites the newly baptized into the larger parish family on a pilgrimage of conversion into Jesus Christ.  Presenting your child for baptism arises from a faith that already finds expression in active membership in our parish family.  If you are searching for a faith community, we encourage you to become part of our parish.  In some cases we will ask the parents to briefly postpone the date of baptism for a period of religious formation.

 We do not ‘christen’ anyone. That is a non-Catholic ceremony of name giving. We “baptize” using Water and Sacred Chrism. 


The Sacrament is celebrated when the faith community is gathered to worship; that is at Sunday Mass. It is important to remember that an important aspect of baptism is entrance into the church. You have a choice of any of the Saturday or Sunday masses.  We do not baptize during Lent.  If for a good reason, a time other than a Sunday Mass is desired for your child’s Baptism, that will be considered.


First time parents are required to participate in a Preparation Program prior to the celebration of Baptism.  Father Kevin serves as the coordinator for Baptisms.


The parents directly assist the priest or deacon in the ceremonies of Baptism.  Parents, who are not married or who are married civilly, may present a child for Baptism. However, they are invited to consider steps, whenever possible, to have their union blessed as a Sacrament.


Godparents should be active Roman Catholics and fully initiated into the Catholic faith.

Please consider giving your child the name of a saint as a first name or middle name.

Relatives or friends, who are priests or deacons, are welcome at Saint Margaret’s. They are invited to join in the parish celebration and baptize your child. Other arrangements need the permission of Father Kevin, the pastor.


Around the age of 7, your child may no longer be considered for Baptism as a child and special arrangements will need to be made.


Adult candidates for Baptism, aged 18 or older, are welcomed into the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults [RCIA]. This is a weekly adult formational process, September to May, that is under the direction of the Religious Education Coordinator: 201-641-3937.


Those already baptized as Christians, desiring to join the Roman Catholic Church, may also contact Fr. Kevin or the Religious Education Coordinator.




A Religious Education Program will be given to help first-time parents understand their responsibility as Catholic parents. This program will be held at least 2 weeks before the Baptism. Parents must attend this meeting. Parents have the leading role and actively participate in their child’s Baptism. Godparents are also welcome to attend. Baptisms are celebrated during Sunday Mass, when the faith community is gathered (Not during the Season of Lent). 


This form is to be submitted to Father Kevin Carter, who will review and finalize the ceremony date with you. Do not book a party until date is final!

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